HotProfile: Tower of London


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3 Reviews for “Tower of London Guam”
  1. September 7th, 2011
    Jamie Says:

    Wow! An Irish Pub on Guam! I’ve been looking for an Irish Pub for some time, but I haven’t found any others on-island.

    Anyone know if they have Guinness on tap?

  2. June 3rd, 2011
    Elmo Says:

    Where is this located?

  3. May 1st, 2011
    anna Says:

    The place is a bit small, but is still a cool place to hangout with friends whether for some downtime or even if you looking for a fun, party feel. Tower of London is definitely one of the hotspots to check out!

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Tower of London in Guam. Guam Tower of London.  Guam directory, Guam Tower of London | z 3:12 am | Friday, January 9, 2009 | HotGuam-Nightlife | 0:00 | | 2009, October 12, Monday | Guam job, 3:12 | Monday, October 12th, 2009 | 12:00 am