Matua Lounge

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Snack bar
Operation Hours
Every night 17:30~22:00
Ballroom Dancing every Tuesday & Friday 21:30~24:30
The Matua Lounge is your place to relax and unwind every night. Enjoy some of the drink specials made available nightly. The Matua Lounge is located on the Mezzanine level.
I love it here. It’s pretty classy and the service is top-notch. The employees are very professional and nice.
One of Guam’s high end Lounges that offers class and romantic vibe with very professional staff.
Matua lounge is located in the holiday resort which is located right in the heart of Tumon. If you still don’t know which hotel in talking about, it’s the one which has California pizza kitchen right on the first floor.
Anyways, this is your standard high-class bar. They mainly focus on classy customers, and weekly they have some ballroom dancing, which is one of the few places in Guam where you can actually get some ballroom dancing done.
The drinks are high-class, but so are the prices. But then again if you want to dive bar with cheap drinks you can always go to some other bar. You come here for the classiness, and for maybe even the romance of a hot date.
This is a real classy joint. Great place for a romantic date. I love the live music they play as well.