Club Kamikaze

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Kamikaze has always been a great hangout. But I’ve noticed a lot of local in and in front of the club causing so much problems. Before Kamikaze was a hangout where everyone was cool with tourist, especially males. But now these guys are so cruel to the tourist that they just want girls and chase the tourist guys away. Don’t they realize male or female, they all spend money and thats how they still have jobs. What a bad hospitality, i even saw one of them hit the tourist just for accidentally bumping into them even when the tourist apologized. I asked around who those guys were and they call themselves the slingshot people. Thats why more people go to globe than Kamikaze even though they spend more money. I haven’t seen anyone of these so called slingshot people go to globe cause honestly they don’t spend money. All they do are bum of the tourist ladies. I believe actions should me taken towards these people so that the tourist will be safer going into Kamikaze. Also thats why i stopped going cause they always act like they own the place and give bad looks. I really hope they change this atmosphere.
I haven’t been there for awhile. There kind of crowd that frequents it are Asians and tourists.
They have a pretty good DJ, and the floor is small but cozy. The drinks are normally priced for Tumon, for around 6 dollars for a mixed drink.
It is located in the complex that houses Underwater World and Sam Choy’s.
Club Kamikaze is usually pretty empty whenever I go, but on Friday nights there can be a small crowd in there. I like the music that they play there. Not your typical hip hop joint, but more of a mix than most Guam clubs play.