Top of the Reef

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(671) 646-6881/8
Guam Reef Hotel, 1317 Pale San Vitores Road, Tumon, Guam 96911
They play jazz. That is why I go there often. Their cocktails and drinks are great and affordable. It has an good view of the Tumon Bay.
This place was just so romantic and is highly recommended for lovers or seriously dating people. Your date will surely love you when you bring them here.
The place with the perfect view ever that I have been to by far. I just fell inlove with this place.
Top of the Reef is the bar with the best view on Guam!
It is located atop the Guam Reef Hotel (I think on the 17th floor), and it presents a marvelous view of the west-side of Tumon Bay.
The coctails and drinks are upscale, but are not too expensive. Service is very good, and the ambiance is very nice.
When I just want to relax and chill out, or if I want to take a girl on a super romantic date, this is where I take her.