HotProfile: Osung Karaoke


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3 Reviews for “Osung Karaoke Guam”
  1. July 23rd, 2016
    minkoo Says:

    If I’m a girl who wanna go there,do you provides the ticket and living there? And if an guarantee?

  2. October 30th, 2009
    Rick Rock Says:

    This bar is not very well known by most people, but if you go in there they has some really nice karaoke selection.

    As Joel said below, this is a buy-me-drinkie-bar so you have to be aware that if you sit down at a table you’re going to have girls coming sitting down talking to you, and be prepared to pay for their drinks.

    As long as you’re okay doing that, it’s a great time. They have some really hot Korean chicks there.

  3. April 7th, 2009
    Joel B. Says:

    This is a buy-me-drinkie frequented by well-to-do Korean businessman. I also see some military & locals in there sometime. The girls are really hot, and fun to hang out with. There’s one Korean girl in particular that is smoking hot! They also serve some pupu platters to snack on while you karaoke the night away.

    I do recommend this place, just keep in mind that it is a buy-me-drinkie joint, and the girls will probably approach your table if you sit down. I avoid this by just sitting at the bar. You can sing from there too.

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Osung Karaoke in Guam. Guam Osung Karaoke.  activities in Guam, Guam Osung Karaoke | z 8:42 pm | Thursday, January 8, 2009 | HotGuam-Nightlife | 0:03 | | 2009, October 12, Monday | guam vacation, 20:42 | Monday, October 12th, 2009 | 12:03 am