Sam’s Cliff Lounge
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Located in the former Cliff Hotel. If your looking for a place to CHILAX as in chillin and relaxing this cozy hideout is the place. A place where the pool table is free, for chaser we serve lots’s of local favorite’s such as kelaguen binadu, fresh shrimp, fritada, kotdon pika, sashami, and many more. The karaoke is at your finger tips, ping pong or table tennis is also in the house, darts boards are in place. Our mission @ SAM’S is to provide the best quality service to all who stops by to CHILAX and to help you do just that we have Happy Hour from 4:00pm to 7:00pm daily Sunday to Saturday seven day’s a week. The highlight of SAM’S CLIFF LOUNGE are the prices posted, like all domestic beer from 4-7 are $2.00, mixes are $3.00 with the exception of Johnny Blue @ $5.00. Now as for our specials CORONA and ASAHI is $2.00, Hienekin is $3.00, Tiger beer $1.00 all day everyday. Come and feel at home.
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