HotProfile: House of Brutus


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Mandaluyong Condominium

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3 Reviews for “House of Brutus Guam”
  1. August 24th, 2014
    Mary Cruz Says:

    Brutus has friendly staff and great food. Our organization was able to hold a meeting there and I am trying to send a letter of thanks to the staff and management of Brutus. If anyone can send me an email address, I’d appreciate it. Thank you.

  2. July 29th, 2011
    Dina Emery Says:

    I had their HOB Lemonade and loved it. It was just too crowded when I went there with my husband. It was hard for us to find seats. They had good music playing that time.

  3. October 13th, 2008
    Marty Says:

    This crowd is from the ages of 25-40s. Good music, it’s just hard to find a place to sit let alone stand on the weekends. Also, it’s not easy trying to get a drink from a server.

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House of Brutus in Guam. Guam House of Brutus.  Guam club, Guam House of Brutus | z 11:03 am | Sunday, October 12, 2008 | HotGuam-Nightlife | 0:20 | | 2009, October 12, Monday | guam islands, 11:03 | Monday, October 12th, 2009 | 12:20 am