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House and lot for sale in Laguna Philippines

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3 Reviews for “Magic Stix Guam”
  1. August 3rd, 2011
    CueBall Says:

    This is a great pool hall. I enjoyed the cool vibe. The crowd was friendly and welcoming.

  2. June 4th, 2011
    Pepsi Says:

    This is a cool place to catch up with friends. Welcoming vibe and good people around. I’ve been here twice and for sure will come back whenever I can.

  3. April 7th, 2009
    Joel B. Says:

    This is my favorite pool hall on Guam. Great tables, the cocktail drinks are normally-priced, beers are cheap. The crowd are usually Filipino & Local. Nice, atmosphere, and no one causes trouble. I come here quite often.

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Magic Stix in Guam. Guam Magic Stix.  Guam products, Guam Magic Stix | z 8:34 pm | Thursday, January 8, 2009 | HotGuam-Nightlife | 0:03 | | 2009, October 12, Monday | guam vacation, 20:34 | Monday, October 12th, 2009 | 12:03 am